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Playing with 2 year + toddlers!

Toddlers handle more complex things


  • Ask simple questions and listen to the answers. Encourage your child to talk: “What is this?” “Where is the window?” Which ball is bigger?” “Would you like the red cup?” You should see your child’s growing interest in interacting with you and trying respond your questions.

  • Read stories to your child and ask him questions about what you see in the book.

You should notice that your child memorizes and try to repeat what you read.

  • Make simple toys for your child such as objects of different colours and shapes to sort, stick or chalkboard, puzzle.

Your child will be learning from what you make, and will like the toys even more, than they are created by you.

  • Help your child learn to count by asking “how many” and counting things together.

Your child will make mistakes at first, but learn from repeating things many times.

  • Offer your child to compare and sort circles and other shapes cut from coloured paper.

She/he should be happy to try sorting out things and will learn how to match and make relationships between different objects, colours and shapes.

  • Encourage your child to talk and answer your child’s questions.

You should observe that your child should be able to understand and to handle more and more complex things.

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