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Play and communication with 1-6 month babies

Babies brain develops very fast


  • Copying the babies’ sounds and movements helps the people who care for the baby understand what the baby is communicating. It helps respond to the interests and needs of the baby. Babies explore and imitate their surrounding environment

  • You can use safe household items to play with your children.

  • Babies like to put things into their mouths because their mouths are sensitive. It helps them learn warm and cool, and soft and hard, by taste and touch.

  • 1-3 month old babies see things best when they are between 8-12 inches away. By 3 months, babies have a greater range of vision.

  • Babies like to reach for and grab fingers and objects.

  • Babies look at their hands and feet, as if they are just discovering them. It is the beginning of eye-hand coordination, and they also learn what belongs to their body or not.

  • Babies of this age continue to love to see people and faces.

  • Babies enjoy making new sounds, like squeals and laughs.

  • Babies start to learn about how to make a conversation with another person before they can say words.

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