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You are the solution!

Children and young people can shape their own world

As the global environment deteriorates faster and faster, it affects children and young people the most! Environmentally aware and empowered children and adolescents are potentially the greatest agents of change for the long-term protection and stewardship of the earth.

More than 46% of the world’s population is now younger than 25 years old!

The decisions you make can and will shape the future of our world.

So get involved in protecting your environment, start learning and talking more and more about it. You are already making a difference!

Children are able to shape their own world! Adults should promote children’s participation in local environmental initiatives, strengthen children’s clubs and networks, and listen to children’s voice in local, national and global development processes.

In Africa, where the population of children is expected to grow as never before, policy-makers have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to invest in children so that the continent, and the world, can reap the benefits of Africa’s demographic transition. Learn more by reading UNICEF report Generation 2030 | Africa.

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